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Aktuellstes Guild Wars Update


Update vom26. Januar 2006:

~Modified the Sacred Temples and Unholy Temples tournament maps so that players cannot pass relics across barriers~

~Added Japanese translations in preparation for today's Japanese launch of Guild Wars~

~Changed the morale boost in Isle of the Nameless from 2% to 10%~

~In the "Iron Mines of Moladune" mission, henchmen now become infused when your team gives the Spectral Essence to the Seer~

~Modified Skill Bar tool tips so that they don't overlap the Health and Energy bars~

~Fixed minor bugs in the following quests: "The Nameless Masters" and "The Hero's Challenge"~

~Fixed minor bugs in the following missions: "Iron Mines of Moladune" and "Sanctum Cay"~

~Fixed a bug that incorrectly eliminated the recharge time from the following Ranger skills: Distracting Shot, Savage Shot, Concussion Shot, and Punishing Shot~